Hey everyone! I’m back with an update. Let’s start off by saying I have been pretty stressed since my last appointment.  I have been waiting for 3 months to get back with the AENS (Association of Extremity Nerve Surgeons) doctor.

The time has come. Let me tell you something, I thought I was a pretty strong guy mentally and physically. For some reason, my nerves leading up to this appointment got me. I keep telling myself one more time and hope the pain goes away. But then you say to yourself, what if it doesn’t? Where do I go from here? I really do hope and think this doctor can help. I really am putting all my faith and believe in it.

Guys I am 37 years old and I can barely run 40 yards without being in pain for days. Do I overdo it sometimes, sure, I do. But I have to. It keeps me mentally and physically strong. I do what I can do. I go through the day with a smile on my face, of course I do. But sometimes underneath of it is pain. I don’t really show it at all. But I’m letting you know a secret. This is me. I just keep telling myself keep pushing Dan, you got this. As a personal trainer, I am telling the truth when I let people know that I understand their health obstacles. There is no judgment here at Hit Fitness Training. We all are dealing with something.

When I met with the surgeon last week, he was able to obtain a copy of the first surgeon’s hospital report from 2018. The report showed that a partial release was completed and not a full release. The good news to me is that I am hoping this time brings  more permanent relief. Surgery is scheduled for Friday, October 15th, for tarsal tunnel syndrome release and gastrocnemius lengthening where they put micro tears in the tendon so it can release from being so tight. Why they are doing this? Because it feels like my achilles tendon is going to rip off my heel. It feels so tight. My range of motion is horrible, especially dorsiflexion. Plantar flexion isn’t too bad, but it needs work. So that’s the update I have. I will be back in October to share this experience with you guys.

In health,

Dan Bowen

6 Comments. Leave new

  • Hang in there, Dan… you know we are all sending you strong vibes, thoughts and prayers! Thank you for all the times you boost us up when we have had setbacks…you are strong and will get through this with flying colors!!!

  • Thank you for sharing your journey. My surgery is scheduled for 10/27. What you are having done the second round they are doing in my first round.
    Your not kidding about dealing through the pain. Some days are just unbearable. I have spent close to 6 months in a boot over the last two years. So for me I’m dreading the boot more than surgery.
    Blessings & light are with you

  • Hoping for a speedy recovery and my prayers and thoughts are with you🙏🏼
    We all need you !!!!


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